Workplace Disruption - the changing job market responding to AI, automation and digitalisation



  • Available Until 9/19/2024
  • Class Time 1:00 PM PT
  • Duration 39 min.
  • Format On-Demand
  • Program Code BCLT0021
  • CA General CLE Credits: 0.75 hr(s)

Price: $115.00

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Disruptive technologies like AI have the potential to revolutionise the way employers manage their workforce, impacting not only the future of work but also how companies monitor, recruit and retain their key talent. Harnessing the power of this technology can clearly be beneficial but there are many practical and legal considerations to be mindful of from an employment law perspective.

This means that employers must continually update their knowledge of the opportunities and challenges that AI, automation and digitalisation brings, and consider these in the context of existing employment laws and their own ethical principles. 

To provide a view into what is happening in Europe, we are joined by three partners from Bird & Bird: Catharina Klumpp based in Düsseldorf, Germany; Nathalie Devernay in Lyon, France; and Miguel Pastur in Madrid, Spain.

