Women, Business and the Law - A World Bank Group Project: Measuring the laws that affect women’s economic opportunity in 190 economies



  • Available Until 11/15/2025
  • Class Time 1:00 PM PT
  • Duration 75 min.
  • Format On-Demand
  • Program Code bcce0019
  • CA General CLE Credits: 1.25 hr(s)

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For the first time, the Women, Business and the Law, a World Bank group project, assessed the gap between legal reforms and actual outcomes for women in 190 economies. The presentation was given by Tea Trumbic, Marina Elefante, and Hannelore Niesten of the World Bank Group. Their analysis revealed a shocking implementation gap. Although laws on the books imply that women enjoy roughly two-thirds the rights of men, countries on average have established less than 40% of the systems needed for full implementation. For example, 98 economies have enacted legislation mandating equal pay for women for work of equal value. Yet only 35 economies--fewer than one out of every five--have adopted pay transparency measures or enforcement mechanisms to address the pay gap. 

Moderator: Eliana Zatschler, Secretary General, European Women Lawyers Association (EWLA)

Presenters: Tea Trumbic, Manager, Women, Business and the Law, Global Indicators Group, Development Economics, The World Bank Group; Marina Elefante, Private Sector Development Specialist, Women, Business and the Law, Global Indicators Group, The World Bank Group; Hannelore Niesten Consultant, The World Bank Group

If you need assistance accessing any of this information and/or would like to submit your evaluation, please email Charlie Tsunoda at charlietsunoda@berkeley.edu.